VEGA Research Laboratories
Could proactively provide added value to Healthcare Industries by exploiting existing technologies or driving to maturity new ones.
VRLabs has in its portfolio AI Technologies to be used in:
> Smart, Biometric and Ambient Sensors for Biomedical Devices and Machines
> Virtual, Augmented Reality Wearables for Diagnostics and Therapies
> Serious, Applied Game for Cognitive Rehabilitation
AI for a proactive approach to healthcare.
AI in healthcare has the potential to increase the number of patients medical professionals can care for and make healthcare more proactive. By detecting diseases at their earliest stages, it can lead to better patient outcomes and lower costs. Using large amounts of data, AI can build early detection algorithms and risk prediction models. Patients can also take charge of their healthcare journey by using AI-powered wearable devices to monitor for health issues.

A Good Planning Is A Key Of Success
In the healthcare sector, VRLabs has developed a tool for gaze tracking based on standard webcameras and neural networks for the early detection of cognitive diseases, artificial intelligence systems for frail and / or sick people; monitoring and supporting tools for stress, emotion evaluation using face images, photoplethysmography and voice, machine learning systems for disease diagnostics and prognostics using bioinformatics data and biomedical images.
Health and well-being support
Stress-Emotion Recognition
Biomedical AI-based support
Eye tracking
Health Remote Assistance
Digital Health

Biomedical Images: AI-based Support Decision System for Diagnosis
Problem: Clear detection of brain tumors using MR images
Solution Proposed: Support personnel in the classification and diagnosis of brain tumors through Deep Convolutional Neural Networks developed by VRLabs
Automatic detection and recognition with high precision
less misclassification, and high reliability
Optimizing text comprehension for dyslexic Young
Problem: Dyslexic people (2M in italy) have problems in reading and comprehending text, thus not being involved in advertisement
Solution Proposed: Eye Tracking Technology as a Data Source to optimize the typographic characteristics of documents
Increased comprehension of text by dyslexic young people

AI-Enabled Digital Health

Health Remote Assistance

Outdoor Supports for Visual Impaired People

App for Migraine Monitoring

App for Diabetes Support

App for Cognitive Evaluation and Rehabilitation

Success Stories
VRLabs bases its activities on the new artificial intelligence technologies that are currently requested to analyze and manage the increasing amount of available data that is generated today.
- Fuzzy clustering methods for medical image processing
- Fuzzy logic based decision support system for HLA genotyping
- MicroRNA Target Genes Prediction for various pathologies
- Systems for early detection of cognitive illness
- Data mining of biosensor signals for virtual psychotherapy management
- Data Mining Systems for Assisted Ambient Living

Remote Healthcare System based on AIoT
Alberto Cabri, Stefano Rovetta, Francesco Masulli, Akshi Sharma,
Pier Giuseppe Meo, Mario Magliulo.

A Cost-Effective Eye-Tracker for Early Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Francesco Masulli, Stefano Rovetta, Alberto Cabri, Danilo Greco, Davide Daffonchio.