ICAIH 2019 – First Industrial Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Health
How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the Future of Health
Artificial Intelligence is increasingly becoming an enabling technology for all areas of health and well being, ranging from bioinformatics, to drug discovering, clinic, and health care.
This conference aims at constituting a forum focused on the theme: “How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the Future of Health”, involving companies operating in the sector, start-ups, clinicians, researchers, and public administrators.
The event will be driven by questions like:
- What are today’s most relevant applications of Artificial Intelligence in the health sector?
- What are the most reliable and suitable Artificial Intelligence technologies now available for the organizations operating in the health sector?
- What are the medium-term development prospects of the health sector thanks to the applications of Artificial Intelligence?
ICAIH 2019 will propose a format including keynote presentations, round tables, sponsored sessions, poster sessions, and speed pitches.13-14 Nov 2019 – Palazzo Pirelli, Milan (Italy)
SMAU – Italy RestartsUp in London
VRLabs is one of the 40 representative italian Startups which has been selected for SMAU Italy RestartsUp in London, the leading show dedicated to innovation in Italy, organized in collaboration with ICE, Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies.
The event took place place on the 3rd of May at the Old Truman Brewery, located in 85 Bricklane, London and aimed at introducing the innovative excellence of “Made In Italy” to English entrepreneurs and investors, to create a bridge between the italian startups ecosystem, the London Hub and also the British market.

HPC Day 2018 – Milan
We were invited by DLTM as speakers at HPC Day in Milan, a Soiel International event, to present our view on Artificial Intelligence and how it can benefit from high performance computing architectures and solutions.
Come il calcolo ad alte prestazioni può essere a supporto dell’Intelligenza artificiale? Alberto Cabri di Vega Research Labs ne parla a Milano all’evento
— Soiel International (@soiel_it) April 17, 2018
HPCDay18 #IA #HPC #bigdata #intelligenzaartificiale- pic.twitter.com/SJdL7q1fqc
ChipSet Cost Action
Last February, our Company joined the cHiPSet Cost Action in the Industry Collaboration Team, whose goals are detailed at the relevant web page.

Deep Learn 2018
Don’t miss the 2nd International Summer School on Deep Learning, a research training event with a global scope, aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning.
DeepLearn 2018 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends.
In Genoa (Italy), from 23th to 27th of July 2018.